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Heera Group Announces Groundbreaking IBG Settlement Against Property! Flexible Payment Plan Launched for Buyers

Heera Group Announces Groundbreaking IBG Settlement Against Property! Flexible Payment Plan Launched for Buyers

24x7news wave

Heera Group Announces Groundbreaking IBG Settlement Against Property! Flexible Payment Plan Launched for Buyers,In an exciting new development for the real estate market,era Group—known for its innovative approach and customer-centric ethos—has launched an unprecedented property payment settlement plan using IBG (International Bond Guarantee). The scheme offers unparalleled flexibility for property buyers from 21 September 2024. Read on to discover how you can benefit from this game-changing initiative and secure your dream property.

Heera Group Announces Groundbreaking IBG Settlement :Introduction

Imagine a payment plan tailored just for you, where you can club multiple IBGs to ease your financial burden. Heera Group's new and flexible payment plan allows property buyers to pay just 25% upfront and settle the remaining 75% using IBGs. From customizing your payment process to ensuring comprehensive customer support, Heera Group sets a new standard in property settlements. This article will guide you through the key points of this initiative, helping you navigate your path to property ownership effortlessly.

What is the IBG Settlement Plan?

Heera Group’s IBG (International Bond Guarantee) settlement plan revolutionizes how you can structure your payments for property purchases. Here's a breakdown of the main features:

Flexible Initial Payment

  • 25% Upfront Payment: Pay only 25% of the property price initially, making it much easier to start the process.

  • 75% IBG Document Submission: Cover the remaining 75% by submitting IBGs, significantly lightening the financial load upfront.

Additional Flexibility

  • Club multiple IBGs to cover the 75% requirement, providing the means to manage and utilize financial instruments effectively.

  • In case there's a balance left to pay, you can opt for easy 6-month installment plans to settle the remaining amount.

How to Participate in the IBG Settlement Plan: A Step-by-Step Guide

Ready to make your property dreams a reality? Here’s how you can get started:

  1. Visit: Go to

  2. Register Yourself: Sign up and create your profile.

  3. Choose the Property: Browse through the various property options available in Shaikpet, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad.

  4. Make 25% Upfront Payment: Secure your property with an initial 25% payment.

  5. Submit IBG Documents: Provide IBG documents up to the worth of 75%.

  6. Optional Step: For any remaining balance, opt into easy 6-month installment plans.

Key Benefits of the IBG Settlement Plan

Financial Flexibility and Planning

"The ability to pay 25% upfront and cover the rest with IBGs is a financial game-changer for aspiring property owners," says Dr. Nowhera Shaik, Founder & CEO of Heera Group.

  • Ease of Financial Management: Low initial payment alleviates the burden of substantial upfront costs.

  • Efficient Use of IBGs: Multiple IBGs can be clubbed to meet the 75% contingency, offering great financial flexibility.

  • Installment Option: Any outstanding balance after IBG submission can be paid off in manageable 6-month installments.

Safety and Security

Heera Group emphasizes secure transactions to protect buyers from fraud:

  • No Cash Payments: Strict no-cash policy ensures the safety and legality of payments.

  • Authorized Bank Transfers: All payments must be conducted via authorized bank transfers or digital methods specified by the company.

Important Notices and Precautions

Payment Methods

All transactions must be carried out through authorized channels:

  • Bank Details:

    • Account Name: Heera Retail (Hyderabad) Private Limited

    • Account No.: 3623625822

    • Bank: Central Bank of India

    • Branch: Banjara Hills

    • IFSC: CBIN0285116

No Cash Transactions

"We do not accept any payments in cash. Please ensure you follow the proper payment procedures for your safety and security."

  • Adhering to these guidelines ensures all transactions are secure and authenticated.


Heera Group’s innovative IBG Settlement Plan ushers in a new era of affordability and convenience in the property market. From flexible payment options to ensuring comprehensive financial security, this plan stands as a testament to Heera Group's commitment to its customers. Don't miss your chance to take advantage of this groundbreaking initiative starting from 21 September 2024. Visit and embark on your journey to property ownership today!

For further inquiries, please contact Heera Group at 7738353017 / 7738353028 / 7738353048 / 7738353039 / 7738353042.

Important Notice: Ensure all payments are made through legitimate channels to protect your investment!

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